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The university held a pep rally for the 2022 National Vocational College Skills Competition

Date:2022-04-20    Author:Song Huihui/Wen Tang Wenpei/photo     ClickTimes:

On the morning of April 19th, the pep rally of the 2022 National Vocational College Skills Competition was held in the conference room on the fifth floor of Houde Building. Principal Li Fei, Vice Principal Yu Rongbao, party general branch secretary, dean, vice dean of teaching, advisor and dean of academic Affairs office of participating project departments attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Yu Wing-po.

This meeting is to implement the work requirements of the Ministry of Education's "Notice on Launching the registration work of the 2022 National Vocational College Skills Competition" and the Provincial Department of Education's "Notice on our province's participation in the registration work of the 2022 National Vocational College Skills Competition". In 2022, the school participated in the national Competition on behalf of our province in 5 projects, including e-commerce skills, big data technology and application, agricultural product quality and safety testing, clothing design and process, and robot system integration.

Feng Yifeng, the head of the Academic Affairs Office, analyzed the results of the 2019-2021 student National Competition in all provinces and universities, expounded the situation and challenges faced by our school in 5 events, and put forward goals and requirements for each event. Xiong Shaogang, deputy director of academic Affairs Office, made detailed arrangements for the preparation of each event, including preparation scheme formulation, guiding team formation, logistics support arrangement and matters needing attention. The heads of each competition department exchanged the progress of the preparatory competition.

Principal Li Fei pointed out that we should know ourselves and our enemies, train with ingenuity and work hard. One is to raise awareness and go all out. Only in this way can we make a breakthrough. Second, it is now or never ‍, each department should have the sense of opportunity, cherish the opportunity to participate; Three is hard training, grinding, there is no harvest, how much sweat how much results; Fourth, take advantage of the situation, integrate and use, fully integrate the resources inside and outside the school, fully prepare for the competition.